
Do you Readeo?

We did.

We finally tried Readeo with Mimi.  She read three stories to BB and LF and it went over pretty well.  Aside from LF's usually need to smack the keyboard, that is.  Here are my thoughts on it so far.  Please note: I have no affiliation with Readeo, this is not an ad, just my thoughts on a new way to read.

1) What a cool thing to be able to do!  How amazing is it that their grandmother can read to them from the other side of the country and they can talk about the story and look at the same images.  So cool in fact that BB woke up this morning asking if Mimi was going to read him another story.

2) Set up was pretty easy.

3) The book selection seems fairly good.  We don't have access to all the books at the moment as we are only using the free trial, but I can see all the titles.

4) It was a little difficult to start the first "bookchat" - we ended up starting simultaneous chats and could hear but not see each other.  But we figured that out pretty quickly.

5) The pointer tool isn't that great.  It is too faint and I think BB had trouble seeing where Mimi was pointing, but I really liked the idea so that you can discuss particular things in pictures or point to particular words.

6)  I like the layout of the page - Book centered above and video chat windows smaller below.

7)  The text was a bit hard to see, but we were only reading on my fairly small laptop screen.  I think that if we were on a larger desktop screen, it might have been better.  I might even hook my laptop up to the TV screen next time to see how it looks.

In a nutshell. It went really well and BB and I are looking forward to trying it again soon.  Also, Readeo sent out a survey straightaway after the chat, so it seems that they really care about perfecting the service.  (I haven't filled it out yet, but I will) and it will be interesting to see how the feedback is received.

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