
What we liked this week

Excuse Me! The Great Nursery Rhyme DisasterNo T. Rex in the Library The Odd Egg Usually trips to the library are just a random book finding adventure, but since Bud Bud started part-time preschool (which has weekly themes) I am trying to be more deliberate and organized in choosing books. Though of course there is always room for extra books that don't meet the theme requirements, and I am finding that the problem with putting books on hold is that they aren't necessarily ready on the week that you need them. So some weeks the themes end up running together for us.  This week is a good example.

Our favorites this week were: The Odd Egg,  Excuse Me!The Great Nursery Rhyme Disaster, and  No T. Rex in the Library.

The Odd Egg is a short tale of hatching eggs and a duck who finds an unusual egg and cares for it until, "CRACK!"  out comes a surprise.  It has muted pencil illustrations and staggered pages (like in the Very Hungry Caterpillar.)   H wasn't sure about this one because he thought that Bud Bud might be frightened by the last page, but he doesn't seem to think it is scary at all.

Excuse Me! is a book that I picked up for manners week.  It is the story of a frog who burps so much that he is banished from his town, until he learns some manners that is.  Bud Bud thinks that all the burping in the story is pretty funny.  I think it has a good lesson that is accessible even to someone as young as Bud Bud.  Bonus: he has been saying excuse me all week.

The Great Nursery Rhyme Disaster is a novel tale of Little Miss Muffet who is bored with her rhyme and decides to go on an adventure through other nursery rhymes to find something more interesting, and causes havoc in the process.  Bud Bud just asked me if she was a crazy girl for running away with the spoon, and is currently sitting on the floor with the book singing nursery rhymes.  I love the authors approach to old subject matter and thought the illustrations were lots of fun with bright colors and endearing characters.

Lastly, No T. Rex in the Library is not really one of my favs, but Bud Bud loved it.  He loves all things dinosaurs.  Though I can say that it does teach a good lesson about how to behave in the library, how to respect the books etc.  I am not sure that a young audience would get the subtext about controlling yourself and projecting your feelings, but it could be a good discussion point.

Now, we are off to the library for a new stack!

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