

Welcome to Read It Mama.  My hope for this blog is to share all the wonderful books we are discovering on our family's reading adventures, and to create a place to remember what we have read.  We are a silly sort of family who love impromptu living room dance parties, singing and making up silly songs, getting messy with paints, playing in the sand and above all - reading.

Husband and I both come from families who love the written word.  H is from Ireland and grew up with a teacher/principle Father (Grandad -for future reference), a man who devours books of all kinds and has a talent for remembering and quoting all manner of writing. Grandad is also a writer in his own rite who is currently working on a number of manuscripts.

H grew up loving; The Complete Tales of Winnie-the-PoohNow We are Six, and everything Roald Dahl, but since moving to the US and raising kids here, he has found a passion for the likes of Dr Suess, Shel Silvertein and Sandra Boynton.  He loves reading Dr. Seuss's ABC: An Amazing Alphabet Book!A Light in the Attic and Hippos Go Berserk, among many others to our little ones,  Bud Bud and Little Flower.

I grew up here in the US.  My Grandfather, Bernard Evslin and Grandmother, Dorothy Evslin were both well published authors.  My Father (Papa Bear), Tom Evslin, also a voracious reader,  is a blogger and author of the book Hackoff.com, and short story The Interpreter's Tale.

If you enjoy renditions, an amusing night could be spent with these two patriarchs of our family and a bottle of spirits.

I grew up longing to be Eloise and live at the Plaza, and loving traditions such as always reading Happy Birthday to You! on my birthday, The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes  at Easter and Winter Story (Brambly Hedge) at Christmas.

Currently our lives are filled to the brim with Bud Bud and Little Flower - keeping them happy and teaching them to love life, love to learn and love to read.  Not so bad really.  Little Flower is only 10 months old yesterday, so she doesn't have many favs yet, but keep your eyes peeled as her tastes in the book department develop.  Bud Bud is our ferocious lover of books (at a mere 2 1/2 years), the utterer of the title of this blog and the reason why we are tearing though so many books and keeping the local librarians on their toes.  His current favs, which change weekly, are: A Pie Went byLittle Pea, and Over at the Castle.

I will attempt to review as many books as possible here and would love it if you would add suggestions, as we are always ready for a new book.

I hope you come along with us on this adventure and that you have as much fun reading as we do.
'til later-
*Read It Mama

Dr. Seuss's ABC: An Amazing Alphabet Book! A Light in the Attic Special Edition Hippos Go BerserkWinter Story (Brambly Hedge)Eloise: The Absolutely Essential 50th Anniversary EditionHappy Birthday to You!The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes Gift Edition with Charm A Pie Went by Little Pea Over at the Castle

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for then to get a wee bit older, cause then I recommend The Phantom Tollbooth! That is a should be more loved favorite! - says Auntie Stinky
